Organizational Structure
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee meets bi-monthly and takes decisions based on the decisions of the General Assembly. The Secretary and Director supported by staff carry out the day-to-day activities under the directives of the Executive Chairperson.
The Executive Committee, formed on January 02, 2018, consists of the following:

Mr. Mahesh Prasad Dahal
Executive Chairperson
Mr. Mahesh Prasad Dahal has Master's degree in Public Administration (MPA) and Master in Business Administration (MBA). He served the GoN as secretary in Ministries of Education, Science and Technology; Labour, Employment and Social Security; Youth and Sports; Defense; Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers and chairman of Nepal Revenue Advisory Board, GoN. He worked more than 5 years as Local Development Officer in different districts promoting local economic development and environment friendly resilient infrastructure. He has strong knowledge in governance, local planning, Public Financial Management (PFM), Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA). Mr. Dahal is a trainer and facilitator as well.

Mr. Purusottam Nepal
Outgone Chairperson
Mr. Purusottam Nepal has MPhil degree with more than 30 years of working experiences in public finance management, planning, budgeting and local governance. He served the GoN for more than 25 years and worked with multi-development partners in the capacity of senior officer. Mr. Nepal is the Executive Chairperson of INLOGOS since 2021, who is working as a professional expert as well.

Mr. Reshmi Raj Pandey
Vice Chairperson
Mr. Reshmi Raj Pandey has Master Degree in Public Policy and Administration and Master of Business Administration. He has been retired from the government service of Secretary. He has a good experience of implementing National Security Policy, Coordination, monitoring of and facilitation of law and order and general and development administration. He served to strengthen decentralization, devolution and local governance process in Nepal. As a National Progarmme Director of Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP) he worked with different donor agencies and the local government in Nepal. His contributed for the Institutional development and financial and administrative capacity building of municipalities. He is a good co-ordination, facilitator and governance expert.

Mr. Krishna Chandra Neupane
Mr. Krishna Chandra Neupane has Master's degree in Business Management and Sociology with more than 25 years of experience in local governance, policy formulation, service delivery, preparing local level plans, CD plan preparation for LGs, LG's Capacity assessment and plan formulation LISA and local level planning and organizational development. He worked with different development partners, NGOs, Association of District Coordination Committee, and others. He has extensive knowledge on Nepal’s federalization and decentralization process, including the post constitution context and strong understanding of overall dimension of coordination between the government and development partners.

Ms. Yam Kumari Khatiwada
Ms. Yam Kumari Khatiwada has Master’s degree in public administration with more than 25 years of work experience in public policy formulation, organization management, and service delivery. She have a good experience in promoting micro enterprises in Nepal. She worked to develop program and plans on enterprise development, local economic development and monitoring & evaluation. Ms. Khatiwada is a GESI expert who worked to develop GESI friendly policies, plans and strategies while working with GoN as a Secretary in different ministries. While working with GoN Ms. Khatiwada gained experience and understanding on gender dynamics, women’s participation and social inclusion in Nepal.

Mr. Uddab P Timalsena
Mr. Uddab Prasad Timilsena has master's degree in management and more than 30 years of working experiences in the development field. Mr. Timilsena worked as a Local Development Officer and Chief District Officer in different districts of Nepal. He has a good experience on the relationship of administration and development. Working with GoN Mr. Timilsena gained in-depth knowledge on the functioning of multi-sectoral stakeholders including government, non-government, private sector and the communities. He is familiar with the different geographical areas and aware on the issues and opportunities of development. He is a good planner, manager and development facilitator as well.

Mr. Manoj Khadka
Mr. Manoj Khadka has a master's degree in Renewal Energy and has more than 18 years of experience in renewal energy, infrastructure, and transport planning, governance and capacity development areas. He worked as a lead advisor of Nepal Renewable Energy Programme (NREP) under the climate Smart Development programme; closely works with Policy and Institutional Facility on climate mitigation related works, cross-office advisor on energy issues, member of Climate and Environment affiliate cadre, ensure operationalization of capacity development of SE4ALL project supported by UNDP and implemented together with National Planning Commission Secretariat (NPCS).

Mr. Dr Hira Kaji Ghale
Dr. Hira Bahadur Ghale has a PhD in Rural Development and Master's degree in Anthropology. He has more than 4 decades of experiences in Planning and implementation of Income Generating Activities Identifying the needs of rural communities, afforestation and bioengineering. He is a good trainer and volunteer. Dr. Ghale worked with NGOs, local bodies/level and CBOs in capacity building, social mobilization and planning. He has good experience of multi-secotral project management and execution at local level. He is familiar with the federal system of Nepal and the scope of community development and citizen participation in the governance process.

Mr. Binod Prasad Dhakal
Secretary & Director
Mr. Binod Prasad Dhakal has Master's degree in Public Administration with more than 30 years of working experiences in the field of local-sectoral governance, federalism, planning, GESI, Child Friendly Local Governance and agriculture marketing. He served the GoN for a short period and started his carrier in the non-government sector working with UN agencies, development partners, NGOs and others. Mr. Dhakal is the Secretary cum Director of INLOGOS since 2006, who is responsible for the overall management and operation of the institute and working as a professional expert as well.

श्री कृष्ण प्रसाद सापकोटा
प्रतिष्ठानका सल्लाहकार

श्री खेम राज नेपाल
प्रतिष्ठानका सल्लाहकार

श्री धन बहादुर तामाङ
प्रतिष्ठानका सल्लाहकार

डा. दामोदर अधिकारी
प्रतिष्ठानका सल्लाहकार

श्री कृष्ण प्रसाद सापकोटा
SST सल्लाहकारहरु

श्री खेम राज नेपाल
SST सल्लाहकारहरु

श्री धन बहादुर तामाङ
SST सल्लाहकारहरु

डा. चन्द्रमणि अधिकारी
SST सल्लाहकारहरु

डा. दामोदर अधिकारी
SST सल्लाहकारहरु

श्री महेश प्रसाद दहाल

श्री रेश्मी राज पाण्डे

श्री याम कुमारी खतिवड

श्री केदार न्यौपाने

श्री यादव प्रसाद कोईराला

श्री मणिराम गेलाल